I think the writer does not have a good understanding of the problems of illegal immigration in America. Governor Mitt Romney's plan is not actually self deportation but a plan for those who are willing to embrace and acknowledge that America is a country govern by laws and not men. Just like everyone else who come legally in America and becomes naturalized citizens they waited long lines for their turn the same should be applied for those who want to become part of the American dream no short cut period. To claim that it was a joke and the whole concept was a brilliant political hoax is completely wrong and appalling.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
In Response to Benjamin Pimentel Article 'From tago nang tago to self-deported' on Philippine Daily Inquirer
Saturday, January 21, 2012
K+12 program is Burdensome
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Overcrowded Transport System
The Metro Manila Public Utility Buses and Railways such as the MRT and LRT is one of the many public transport systems that disregard passenger comfort and safety. If you are one of hundreds of thousands of commuters with health problems and have difficulty standing for extended periods, you are likely to suffer more during work rush hours. Overcrowding is mainly a problem that can poised safety concerns and dangers of being trapped inside when panic or stampede occurred among the passengers.
There ought to be motor vehicle safety standard regulations that require bus operators to provide passengers protection and comfort. The vehicle manufacturers also needs to determine the maximum allowable seating capacity of a bus and at all times make a permanent posting of the said info inside the buses before the bus can be purchase.
Certain rules that must be followed when seating passengers, such as all passengers must be properly seated, no passenger, nor can their belongings project beyond a seat into the aisle. Passenger belongings that are not considered hand carried items can be placed on bus compartments. No overcrowding should be permitted even when a commuter insists. If there is a law the Department of Transportation and Communication needs to revisit and review otherwise legislator should start drafting a law.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Politically Incorrect
Marcos regime dated back to the martial law era of the 1970 that spans from 20 year rule saw the suppression of the most fundamental basic freedom rights and is a very painful touch to our history. Let us not forget that during those periods of oppression our country was in the brink of economic and political chaos while his family, political allies, and close associates enjoy enormous privileges of the elite that have access to government resources while our countrymen is on the suffering ends.
For the record there is no validity that Marcos becomes a war hero during the Japanese occupation in the 1940s. Assuming that he is a war hero and history was altered, either he died during the course of war or before his authoritarian rule, it is correct to give him the honor of hero’s burial. On the contrast his being war hero that he long sought was a reversal of his own tyranny.
Ferdinand Marcos a man of great intellect chose the path of tyrant than a path to serve the greater good. A hero cannot be made a tyrant nor can a tyrant be made to a hero. Put this simply a hero and tyrant are not compatible. Therefore Marcos is not a hero. To bury him in the “Libingan ng mga Bayani” is to bequeath a tyrant with the highest honor and tantamount to dispersed in history those true heroes who fought and died true to our country. To make Marcos a Hero is politically incorrect. A hero is someone that feels human, sacrifice, and a victim; should not be confused with tyrant. In truth Marcos neither feels human, did not sacrifice, nor the victim.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Truth Commission - Truth Denied by Congressman Edcel Lagman

On November 7, 2010 the Supreme Court of the Philippines handed over a decision that struck down denying legality of the Executive Order No. 1 of President Aquino III on creating a Truth Commission to investigate wrong doings of former President Arroyo and her administration during the 9 tumultuous years of her term, including the C5 controversy of which have allegedly benefited the company of Senator Many Villar, are among the key concerns. It is not surprising that even before the Executive Order No. 1 has been inked, it already faced strong opposition from the allies of then former president Arroyo who is now a congresswoman of her representative and who have gone self-demotion. The Executive Order No. 1 is the key centerpiece of the Aquino administration to bring back the confidence and trust of the people to the government.
Sadly, our elected official particularly Congressman Edcel Lagman the main proponent in blocking the Truth Commission and filled the case at the Supreme Court, was swayed by partisan politics and in doing so has succeeded. In one of his arguments he said that only the congress has the vested power to create offices. True and and there is no question about that, however, what is disturbing is the fact that Congressman Edcel Lagmay, if anything left in his good character and is sincere to help the country, should have instead talked to or communicated with the Aquino administration that this function may best serve if Congress will be given a hand or opportunity to initiate the Truth Commission task. Congressman Lagman could have help the country by sponsoring a bill to create a Truth Commission or similar to it rather than opposing them. The question is what does Congressman Edcel Lagman has to gain or loose with the Truth Commission? Nothing, because in the first place it will not affect his duties as representative of his district nor his constituencies and he is not the subject for investigation.
The public continues to blame the Supreme Court in the present structure that most of the justices led by Chief Justice Renato Corona are appointed by the former president Arroyo and that many are led to believe that the Aquino Administration will not get any favorable outcome on the present structure of the Supreme Court. If the Aquino administration cannot get what it hoped for they need to start to plan on their next course of action even without the Truth Commission. For instance, the PCGG and the Justice Department can work together and form a task force committee with the members of the Truth Commission headed by former chief justice Davide to oversee and look into the past administrations wrong doings.
For more info see this link abs-cbn Truth Commission and abs-cbn Truth Commission FactBox.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Renewable Energy Act

On a daily basis we often see a great deal of debate observing President Benigno Aquino III’s governance policy. It was not left go unnoticed how his administration work tirelessly to prevent and prosecute wrongdoers in the government be it in the past or present. This is a reform that most of us believe will lead our country to a sustainable economic prosperity and success, and each citizen has a chance to this opportunity to a better access of quality of living.
Prescription for economic growth and success cannot all depend on good governance alone but we can acknowledge it as a good start. The formula to sustain a well-manage economic success means a good driven formula for innovations. Our country needs to embrace innovations through technology supported by government initiatives to attract more foreign investments to create jobs domestically and compete globally. Part of these initiatives, President Aquino III administration needs to start to look at tapping alternative source of natural energy that will reduce the country’s heavy reliance on oil use. How? The administration needs to look into the failures of the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, a change or expansion to the provision of the Energy law mandating Power Producing Companies to tap the natural source of energy by building more Photo Voltaic (PV) Solar Farms, in the minimum 10 percent of the energy that these power producing company sells should sourced from natural or renewable energy, which when sold to consumers should be at a reduced rate. At the same time mandating government buildings to start installing solar panels in their roof tops, grounds, or to where feasible at a close proximity. Private companies that are making a revenue of 100 million pesos or more annually to be included in the compulsory implementation subject to open consultations with the private sectors with the option to provide them tax breaks or rebates to be able persuade them to the support the initiatives.
Renewable energy has a bright promising economic as well as environmental benefits aspect, solar is expensive but in the long term it’s benefits outweigh it’s cost and it is wise to fundamentally support this Renewable Energy Act implementation. This initiative will create jobs and is environment friendly and will help companies who installed and use solar on their buildings can help them reduce their electric bills because they are generating and producing their own power. Perhaps Malacañang could start investing in renewable energy by becoming a blueprint model for other government as well as private sector, installing renewable energy device that will generate power for their use within their vicinity.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Pimentel on the Other Side of the Road
Senator Pimentel stand on defending fellow Senator Villar on the C5 project issue is contrary to his advocacies. Whether Senator Villar’s real estate business benefited directly or indirectly there is a simple case of conflict of interest issue. First and foremost Senator Villar should have divested his and his family shares in their business that does business with the government before entering politics; Senator Pimentel is a bright politician and should have known this also. Instead he chooses to ignore this principle over personal interest, or that he chooses the lesser good.