Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In Response to Benjamin Pimentel Article 'From tago nang tago to self-deported' on Philippine Daily Inquirer

I felt compelled to response to the article posted by Benjamin Pimentel a columnist for the Philippine Daily Inquirer in regards to the immigration issue in America. He attempted to drag the republican presidential candidate former governor Mitt Romney the current front-runner to the republican nominee to the issue of self-deportation and according to Mr. Benjamin Pimentel "it was a joke" and "the whole concept was a brilliant political hoax". His article can be found on this "From tago nang tago to self-deported" link and my response to his article can be also found on the same link under the comments or can be seen below:

I think the writer does not have a good understanding of the problems of illegal immigration in America. Governor Mitt Romney's plan is not actually self deportation but a plan for those who are willing to embrace and acknowledge that America is a country govern by laws and not men. Just like everyone else who come legally in America and becomes naturalized citizens they waited long lines for their turn the same should be applied for those who want to become part of the American dream no short cut period. To claim that it was a joke and the whole concept was a brilliant political hoax is completely wrong and appalling.